Arduino Bluetooth App

Arduino Bluetooth App – In this project, you will create an Android app to control the color of an RGB LED using a smartphone via Bluetooth.

You will build an Android app using MIT App Inventor 2, a free web-based software. This is a great project to learn how to interface an Arduino with a smartphone.

Arduino Bluetooth App

Arduino Bluetooth App

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Arduino Voice Control Of Leds Using Bluetooth Module

An Android app is created using a free web application called MIT App Inventor. MIT App Inventor is a great place to start with Android development because it lets you build simple apps with drag-n-drop.

To sign up for MIT App Inventor you need a Google account and here is the login page:

After logging in, go to Projects >Import project (.aia) from my computer and upload the .aia file. Click here to download the .aia file.

The designer gives you the ability to add buttons, add text, add screens and change the overall look of the app. The Int App Inventor software app looks like this:

Airboat Controlled With Bluetooth

The app looks different in the software and on your smartphone. The app looks like this on our smartphone:

Then you have the block section. Block sections allow you to create custom functionality for your app, so when you press buttons, it does something with that information. These are the blocks for this app (click image to zoom):

Download or copy the following code into your Arduino IDE and upload it to your Arduino board. Make sure you select the correct card and COM port.

Arduino Bluetooth App

Note: Before uploading the code, make sure the TX and RX pins are disconnected from the Bluetooth module!

Home Automation Using Arduino And Bluetooth

Note: If you use RGB LED common cathode, you need to connect the long wire to GND.

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If you have not created the .apk file in the previous step, you can click here to download the .apk file (which is the installation file of the Android app). Move the file to your smartphone and open it. Follow the installation guide to install the app.

Make sure you have paired your smartphone with a Bluetooth module – search for paired devices in your smartphone’s Bluetooth settings.

Then open the newly installed app. Press the Connect Bluetooth button to connect to the Arduino Bluetooth module via Bluetooth.

Android App Development To Control Arduino Over Bluetooth, Android Studio

Here is your app in action. Move the sliders and click Change Color to set your RGB LED color to the selected color.

When uploading the code to your Arduino, you need to disconnect the TX and RX cables from the Bluetooth module. These pins are required for serial communication between the Arduino and your computer.

Make sure you have paired your smartphone with your Bluetooth module. Go to your Bluetooth settings and search for available devices. Your Bluetooth module device should appear (often called: linvor, HC-06, HC-04, HC-05 …). Pair with it. If it asks for a password, it’s 1234.

Arduino Bluetooth App

If your Android app is connected to your Bluetooth module, it should display a “Connected” message (as shown below). Otherwise, tap “Connect Bluetooth” to establish Bluetooth communication.

Arduino Uno + Hc 05 Bluetooth Module

In this project, you learned how to control the color of an RGB LED using an Android app built using MIT App Inventor 2 software.

If you like this project, be sure to check out our latest course: Android Apps for Arduino Using MIT App Inventor 2.

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Android App Arduino Receive Bluetooth Data Hc06 Float

This tutorial uses the BLExAR app along with a CC2541 Bluetooth module and an Arduino board (ATmega328) to build a simple data acquisition system. A DHT-22 sensor provides temperature and humidity data to an Arduino which is recorded by an iOS device via the BLExAR app. BLExAR allows users to visualize and save data in real time. The wiring, programming, and general operation required to create a Bluetooth data acquisition system with an iPhone or iPad are presented here to simplify the app. This experiment is a real example of an Arduino application that demonstrates collecting temperature data from a real sensor. This tutorial allows users to solve their own engineering problems using wireless communication via the advanced Arduino platform and BLExAr app, ultimately expanding the scope and utility of technology in the scientific sciences through exploration and experimentation.

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A CC2541 BLE module and an Arduino board along with a DHT-22 temperature sensor will serve as the data component for this tutorial. Below is the list of components used in this tutorial (along with an iOS device, of course). A resistor is also required as a pullup to work properly with the DHT-22 sensor. I will also include a breadboard so that the DHT sensor does not need to be soldered (unless the breakout version is purchased, no breadboard is required). The wiring for this tutorial is fairly straightforward and is handled by libraries that read the signal from the software’s data pins.

Figure 3: Wiring diagram for Arduino Bluetooth communication between an iOS BLExAR device and an Arduino DHT-22 temperature sensor. Note that the 10k resistor acts as a pull-up resistor. This configuration allows the Arduino to send a temperature (or humidity) data point every two seconds.

Arduino Bluetooth App

I use Adafruit’s DHT sensor library to manage and control the temperature and humidity data from the DHT sensor. Before uploading the sketch to the Arduino board, download the library from the library manager in the Arduino IDE (shown below).

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The Unified Sensor library from Adafruit must be downloaded to ensure the DHT library works correctly.

Below is the final DHT-22 data sending code from Arduino -> BLExAR. BLExAR knows how to decode the data (sent as UTF-8) and logs it into the data acquisition window along with the timestamp. This means that users can access data and timestamps after data collection is complete.

After downloading and opening the BLExAR app, a window will appear showing several peripherals (assuming Bluetooth is enabled on the iOS device). The scan window should look like the image in Figure 4.

Figure 4: BLExAR Bluetooth scanning with discoverable devices. In this particular case, the BLExAR device is detected and must be selected to connect and continue the tutorial.

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Figure 5: The BLExAR app displays the data window and displays a visualization of real-time data when logged into the iOS device via Bluetooth communication. This is a DHT22 temperature sensor and a real temperature reading from the BLExAR app.

After the BLExAR device is selected and the iOS device is connected to the peripheral, a tab window will appear with an image of the Arduino Uno board. For this tutorial, we’ll select the “Data” tab at the bottom of the screen. After selecting the data window, the data is already available in real time. You should start to see the action in Figure 5.

From here there are several options. The user can select “Start Acquisition” which will collect the data as it arrives. Then, when the user wants to stop retrieving data, select “Stop Acquisition” and a window will appear with instructions to email the data to an email address. . This allows the user to access data from their chosen email address in .csv format with a time stamp.

Arduino Bluetooth App

I heated the temperature sensor DHT-22 and cooled it with forced convection, which can be seen in the following plot:

I Can’t Send Two Datas At The Same Time Via Bluetooth

It is easy to see the heating and cooling of the sensor, as well as the time stamp with accurate (to about 1 microsecond) readings of the time the data was received.

In this tutorial, I again demonstrate the power of the BLExAR app by using its data window to retrieve data from an Arduino Uno board that measures temperature from a DHT-22 sensor. The BLExAR app can communicate via Bluetooth with an Arduino ATmega328 board and a CC2541 BLE module. The app allows users to capture and visualize data in real time, with the ability to save a period of data as a .csv file for future processing. These features further prove the versatility of the BLExAR app and its integration with iOS devices to further enhance the education of young engineers to build and experiment in the physical world.

BLExAR, Arduino IoT, Arduino Internet of Things, Arduino iOS, Arduino Code, Arduino Experiment, iOS, iOS Bluetooth, iPhone, iPhone X Bluetooth, iPhone X Arduino, DHT22, Temperature, Data, Datalogger, Data Collection, Arduino Data Collection, iOS Data Collection , iPhone Datalogger, Arduino BLExAR, BLE, Arduino BLE, Arduino iPhone BLE, Arduino iPhone, Arduino iOS Bluetooth, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, AT-09, AT-09 Bluetooth, HM-10, HM-10 Bluetooth, HM -10 Bluetooth module, Arduino HM-10, SH-M08 Bluetooth,

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